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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Westridge

¡Hola Padres de Westridge! 

We are aware of President Trump’s recent announcement that schools are no longer regarded as safe havens for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE).  Currently, our practice is to only release students to parents/guardians, individuals listed as emergency contacts, or law enforcement agencies with valid legal documentation from a judicial court.  We do not collect or share the immigration status of students or parents with outside agencies. 

It is critical that we have your children’s current emergency contact information.  Please take a moment and log into PowerSchool (see attachment below for instructions) and check your information, or you can contact the office for help.  Remember you must have government-issued identification (i.e., Drivers License, Passport, etc.) to enter the building or to check out your child.  Please bring your ID with you each time you come to the school. 

Our social worker, Mrs. Gallacher, offers  Social-emotional groups to help support our students.  Please see the attached Social Emotional Wellness Groups flyer for descriptions and sign-up links. (refer to email from Mrs. Hawkins)

Our District is also hosting two parent nights on February 11th at Centennial Middle School and March 5th at Shoreline Middle School.  There will be prevention information about mental health, substance abuse, internet safety, human trafficking, and more!  There will also be swag, refreshments, and a giveaway for prizes.  See the flyer below for more information.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the office.  We are happy to help you!  

Thank you for your continued support!

¡Vamos Wildcats! 

** If you need these weekly emails sent in another language, please update your child’s PowerSchool account with your preferred language. 

0 Acciones

¡Feliz año nuevo lunar! 🐲🐉🧧 Las clases de la Sra. Benson y la Sra. Maffei lo celebraron haciendo farolillos de papel y practicando la caligrafía china. Los alumnos aprendieron cómo la gente de todo el mundo...

Nuestros Wildcats de Kindergarten y 1er grado celebraron el 100º día de clases con estilo. Los estudiantes vinieron vestidos como 100 años de edad, con gafas, bastones, y el pelo gris. Disfrutaron de divertidas actividades...

¡Hola Padres de Westridge! ¡Este viernes es nuestra Feria STEM! Por favor, asegúrese de que su estudiante ha entregado su solicitud STEM Feria y que su proyecto está listo para presentar a los jueces el viernes ...
