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Provo City School District

Westridge Elementary School

Hello Westridge Parents! 

Thank you for attending Parent Teacher Conferences last week.  It was nice to meet with all of you.  We appreciate you taking the time to meet with us.  We also appreciate your support with dinner for our teachers, our Book Fair, and the PTO Hygiene Drive.

Please remember to send your children dressed appropriately for the colder temperatures.  We still go out to recess during the colder months so the students will need to bring their coats to school each day. 

As the holidays approach, we want to make sure that our Westridge families have what they need for the holiday season.  If your family needs help, or if you would like to help another Westridge family this holiday season, please return the attached Westridge Cares flyer to the office by Friday, November 22, 2024.  Click here to view the Westridge Cares flyer – 2024 Westridge Cares Holiday Assistance (English_Spanish).pdf 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.  We are happy to help! 

Thanks for your support!

Go Wildcats!

Nov. 20 – Kindness Club @ lunch

Nov. 22 – BYU Jr. Nutrition Academy @ lunch

Nov. 22 – Westridge Cares Flyer due to the office

Nov. 27-29 – Thanksgiving Break – NO School

**Choir – Tuesday & Thursday mornings – 7:45-8:20am


There is still time to register your 5th-grade student for a fun-filled week at Camp Big Springs!  Registration for 5th grade Camp Big Springs has been extend and will now close on Friday, March 14,...

Hello Westridge Parents!  We have started our Wildcats Read Book Program!  Every Friday, students will be chosen at random to take home a Wildcats Read book.  A book will be given to one child...

Hello Westridge Parents!  Just a reminder that there is no School tomorrow, Monday, February 17.  Enjoy your long weekend! Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, February 26...
