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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Westridge Elementary School

Last modified: March 7, 2025

2024/25 Westridge Welcome Back Letter

Westridge Elementary School

1720 West 1460 North Provo, Utah 84604 Phone: (801) 374-4870 Fax: (801) 374-4873

Dear Westridge Families,

Principal: Kimberli Hawkins Assistant Principal: Jonathan Hoehne

The summer is almost over, and it is time to prepare for a new school year! I hope you have enjoyed your summer and are excited to start the new school year with us. I have been counting down the days until school starts, and I can’t wait to see our amazing Wildcats again!

We have some new teachers joining our staff this year, as well as an Assistant Principal, Mr. Jonathan Hoehne. Mr. Hoehne has been the Title One Coordinator at Amelia Earhart, and we are excited to have these new staff members join our Westridge team.

School Start Date & Hours

School begins on Tuesday, August 13th for all students, including Kindergarten. The first bell rings at 8:35 am, and class begins at 8:40 am. School breakfast is served at 8:10 am. Please wait to drop your children off until after 8:10 am, as there is no outside supervision before that time.

Students will meet their class on the north side of the building or on the Kindergarten playground every morning instead of entering through the front doors. Teachers will meet their students outside at designated spots and bring them into the school each morning.

From August 13th to 16th, school will be dismissed at 1:30 pm for Teacher Professional Development. Please arrange for your children to be picked up at 1:30 pm during this week.

Please see the attached calendar for school hours, holidays, and early release days.

Back-to-School Night

Our Back-to-School Night Open House will be held on Monday, August 12th, from 4:30-6:00 pm. During the Open House, you can visit classrooms, talk with teachers, and I hope you will take a moment to say hello to me too!

Class Assignments

Your child’s previous teacher made class assignments in May based on any parent input you submitted in April. Please know that the teachers put a lot of time and effort into placing your child where they felt they would be most successful this year.

Class assignments will be available after 1:00 pm on Monday, August 5th. You can access class assignments by visiting the Westridge Elementary Website and clicking on the PowerSchool link.

While you are in PowerSchool, please take a moment to update your Parent Portal account (see the attachment for directions). Please pay special attention to phone numbers and emergency contacts and make any necessary updates. Also, please give permission for your child to use technology at school. This is required for your child to use a Chromebook or iPad this year.

Meals & Free/Reduced Meal Applications

If you think you may qualify for free or reduced meals, please visit MySchoolApps – Apply for Free or Reduced Meals to complete the online application.

Even if you are unsure whether you qualify, we encourage you to apply. This could help you save money and provide valuable support to our school, as the funding we receive is based in part on this data. Remember, you must apply for free or reduced meals every year.

If you are paying full or reduced prices for your child’s meals, please ensure they have money in their account before school begins. You can add money at any time using MySchoolBucks – Add Meal Funds.

  • Elementary Breakfast: Reduced Price: $0.30 / Regular Price: $1.50
  • Elementary Lunch: Reduced Price: $0.40 / Regular Price: $2.25

We Can’t Wait To See You!

We are incredibly excited to see you and look forward to a fantastic school year! Enjoy your last week of summer vacation — see you soon!

Sincerely, Mrs. Hawkins Principal, Westridge Elementary
