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Provo City School District

Westridge Elementary School

Westridge Elementary School News :

Westridge students from 1st to 5th grade are eager to clean the playground and field of trash.  Students that pick up several pieces get to pick out a pin.  We appreciate the help to keep our...

Mrs. Smith's 6th grade students are learning where the different states and countries are located in Social Studies.  They had to fill in the blank maps with the correct...

Do you know what a rhombus, trapezoid, and a parallelogram are? If not you could ask students in Mrs. Stocking's 6th grade class.  Today in math they talked about these different...

Students in Miss Leber's first grade class were divided into partners for a math activity.  Each group got a bag filled with items such as markers, glue sticks, toys and more.  They were asked to...

Students in Mrs. Stocking's 6th grade class were able to design Medieval Coat of Arms to represent themselves.  They came up with their own colors and...

Miss Bonnett's  2nd grade students did a STEM activity during their Valentine's Day party.  They were each given a bag with two paper cups, tooth picks, marshmallows,  and gummy hearts.  They...

Fifth grade went on a virtual field trip to the Utah Capital building.  They were able to learn about the history of the building and what our legislators do during the day to help...

After being in school for 100 days, it is always fun to celebrate this day.  In Mrs. Maio's class they did an activity in math.  They played a game with dice and rolled to make...

Chinese New Year 2021 will fall on Friday, February 12th, 2021.  The Chinese New Year animal sign is Ox . Mrs. Sanders' class celebrated by making masks and trying some Chinese foods. They also...
