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Provo City School District

Westridge Elementary School

Westridge Elementary School News : News

Snow Makeup Day will be February 18th. Please send your child on this day to make up for the day we missed earlier in the month. Thank...

Hello Westridge Families! It is hard to believe that we are half-way through the school year.  This month we are focusing on being kind.  We have a display in our north-east hallway that says,...

Mrs. Lamb’s PE classes just finished up their parachute unit! The students loved playing with the parachute. They had a lot of smiles during class!...

Mrs. Jenkins 5th grade DLT class planned a pizza party. They used decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and stayed in a budget. They looked at tax, tip, delivery fees, and...

The challenge presented to Mrs. Stocking's 6th grade class was to keep their Ice, Ice Fishy 'alive' by limiting heat transfer. Aka, keep the ice fishy from melting as long as possible! The longest...

Mrs. Jenkins class learned about static electricity as they played with balloons. Then they discussed and researched ways they see static electricity in their own...

Last week in Mrs. Oliver's 5th grade class they learned about static electricity. They used real life experiences with balloons and magnets to see how it works....

Yesterday the first graders celebrated their 100th day of school! Students made 100 day crowns, made necklaces out of 100 Fruit Loops, colored pictures, and many more...

Mrs. Oliver's class enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. 2020 is the Year of the Rat according to Chinese zodiac. This is a Year of Metal Rat, starting from the 2020 Chinese New Year on Jan....
