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Provo City School District

Westridge Elementary School

Westridge Elementary School News : News

Principal Hawkins sends out an email each Sunday informing you about what is happening at Westridge. If you are not receiving this email please contact the office at...

Mrs. Sessions Class enjoyed learning about Chinese new year, the year of the rat. They made “New Year’s resolution” dragons with their first grade buddies from Mrs. Maffai’s 1st grade...

Mrs. Oliver’s class and Mrs. Frame’s class playing bump together. They took a break from reading together to do math. The students had to roll the dice and add them up....

Mrs. Maio's 3rd grade class did buddy reading about civil rights heroes. They read about Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, and Martin Luther King Jr. After finishing their reading they wrote summaries about...

5th Grade spent time rotating and learning about the different American colonies. Students learned about the northern, middle, and southern colonies and their traditions, laws, and other facts that...

During math in Mrs. Parker's 4th grade class at Westridge the students competed against each other playing math games. They used different operations such as multiplication, division, adding and...

SEP Conferences are coming up soon. Teachers would like to meet with every parent to discuss academic and behavior progress this year. Please log into the sign up link below and schedule a time to...

Mrs. Jenkins 5th grade class did a taste test between Chip and Crumble Cookies! They tested the chocolate chip cookie from both and are writing and opinion paper about which one tastes...

Panda Express came to the 4th grade classes at Westridge to teach them about the Lunar New Year. They brought each student some delicious food to...
