February 4, 2025 Community Council Agenda & Notes
Community Council Meeting 2024-2025
January 7, 2025 – 7:00am via Zoom
Meeting Dates – 1st Tuesday of every month @ 7:00am via Zoom
- March 4th
- April 1st (Spring Break) – No Meeting
- May 6th
2024-2025 Council Members
- Adrianne Woods- adriannewoods83@gmail.com
- Barbie Osorio DeSoto-barbiedesoto@gmail.com
- Perry Ridge-perry.ridge@byu.edu
- Gaylene Fale-little_lillies@hotmail.com
- Dorie Kim-dorie.imamura@gmail.com
- Cameron Waqa-cameronchild@hotmail.com
- Tawnicia Stocking-tawnicia@provo.edu
- Kim Hawkins – kimha@provo.edu
Not in Attendance: Gaylene Fale (excused)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- Reports of officials entering schools as of today are not true – a lot of misinformation
- We follow our check-out policies and procedures
- Parents/guardians & individuals listed as emergency contacts on PowerSchool
- Law enforcement agencies with valid legal documentation that comes from a judicial court
- ICE documentation does not count as legal documentation
- We do not collect or share immigration status of students/parents with outside agencies
- Raptor System does not collect or store data. It is used to verify identification for visitor entrance only
- Kim reviewed the school procedures for check-out. Kim sent out this information out to parents on Sunday via The Weekly Wildcat.
Wildcats Read! Book Program – Starts this month
- Every Two Weeks
- Book, Reading Strategy Page, Review Card, Family Photo
- Kim let the council know that books will be sent home this Friday or next Friday at the latest.
Upcoming Events
- Safety Week – Feb. 24-28
- Wildcats Celebrate the Arts Night – March 20
- PTO Ski School – Feb. 20, Feb. 27, Mar. 6, Mar. 13 @ 12:30pm
- PTO Candy Grams – February 12-14
- PTO Read Across America Week & Book Fair – March 3-7
- PTO Savers Soft Drive – April 7-10
- PTO Multicultural Festival – April 10 @ 6:00pm
- Kim reviewed activities and discussed contacting Brenae Tanner if anyone is interested in helping with these events.
School Update: Data Presentation & 2025-2026 Plan Discussion – Kim
- Kim presented the end of year data for the 2023-2024 school year that will be listed in the Final Trustland Report for the state. She also presented the 2024-2025 BOY and MOY data with the council. This included data about the following:
- Demographics, Class Size, MLs, SES, IEP, RISE Growth, Achievement & State Ranking, WIDA Access, School Report Card, Acadience Proficiency, Growth & District Ranking Discussed District Strategic Plan, School Improvement Plan & Trustand Plan and how they interconnect. Reviewed 2024-2025 Trustland Goals and additional School Improvement Goals, ML Goals.
- Discussed challenges and strategies for improvement. Discussed points of pride.
- Discussed 2nd grade data and plans for changes next year to help improve data.
- Answered questions from Barbie about our supports for ML students. We have two Spanish-speaking Instructional Assistants that push into classrooms to help students . We also have translation devices and an Instructional Assistant that teaches ML groups daily.
- Answered questions from Dorie about the Principal’s Pantry and how it is funded. The pantry items are funded through food and snack drives, donations from the yearly Thanksgiving baskets activity as well as other donations throughout the year. Dorie asked if there was a need for more donations. She is willing to help if there is a need.
- Cameron asked about lunch balances and if there is a need to advertise more about how to apply for Free/Reduced lunch. Information about the process to apply and the flyer with the QR code is listed in The Weekly Wildcat each week.
- Discussed ideas for the 2025-2025 plan. Proposed continuing the focus on RISE assessment data and Acadience data since those are the two areas that we discuss most as a school and as a district. Tawnicia proposed keeping the same goals, since we are making progress but haven’t “arrived” yet. Discussed that we need to keep in mind the changes in our demographics as we look at our goals.
- Discussed using the funding to hire Instructional Assistants to teach our research-based interventions.
Other? None Noted
Next Month’s Meeting: March 4th at 7:00am via Zoom 2025-2026
Plan Discussion & Voting
Goals & Funding for 2024-2025 – Our goal for the 2024-2025 school year is that 80% of Kindergarten through 6th-grade students will make typical or above progress on the Acadience Pathways of Progress (POP) End of the Year (EOY) assessment. The Acadience assessment helps teachers determine how students are performing on essential reading skills. These critical reading skills include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension. Our goal for the 2024-2025 school year is that students in 3rd through 6th grade will increase their math scores by 3%, and students in 4th through 6th grade will increase their science scores by 3% as measured by the end-of-year RISE test data.
Funding Total: $97,393.31 Para-educators will provide remediation and extensions for our Kindergarten through 6th-grade students.