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Provo City School District

Westridge Elementary School

Community Council Meeting 2024-2025

March 4, 2025 – 7:00am via Zoom

Meeting Dates – 1st Tuesday of every month @ 7:00am via Zoom

  • April 1st (Spring Break) – No Meeting
  • May 6th

2024-2025 Council Members

  • Adrianne Woods-
  • Barbie Osorio
  • Perry
  • Gaylene
  • Dorie
  • Cameron
  • Tawnicia
  • Kim Hawkins –

Not in Attendance:  Perry Ridge (excused), Dorie Kim, Cameron Waqa

Wildcats Read! Book Program Update – Sent home 120 books so far.  We will send home 1200 books by the end of the year. Kim explained that 60 books will be sent home every Friday.  One copy will be in the display case, and one copy will be placed in the library for all students to participate. There are 20 different titles this year. 

Trustland Plan Proposal

Proposed Goals for 2025-2026 Our goal for the 2025-2026 school year is that 80% of Kindergarten through 6th-grade students will make typical or above progress on the Acadience Pathways of Progress (POP) End of the Year (EOY) assessment. The Acadience assessment helps teachers determine how students are performing on essential reading skills. These critical reading skills include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension.   Our goal for the 2025-2026 school year is that students in 3rd through 6th grade will increase their math scores by 3%, and students in 4th through 6th grade will increase their science scores by 3% as measured by the end-of-year RISE test data.   Proposed Funding Use for 2025-2026:  Approximately $97,000 Funding will be used to hire Instructional Assistants who will help teachers with interventions and extensions for students. Instructional Assistants will be trained on research-based intervention programs and will teach those programs to students identified as needing more intensive instruction in reading and math.

Extra Funding Any additional funds will be used to hire more instructional assistants, purchase math computer software programs, headphones for those software programs, or other math or science supplies and manipulatives.    Discussion and Voting for 2025-2026 Plan      

Discussion about the proposed goals and funding.  Barbie:  These are reasonable goals.  They are small steps to progress. Gaylene:  I like the plan. Adrianne:  It is what is needed.  Let’s go for it. The council felt that small increases that are achievable were better and liked the plan. The council agreed that the funding would be best spent on instructional assistants to help with student achievement and agreed where the extra funding should be spent.    Voting Results: Barbie motioned to accept the plan Gaylene seconded the plan All in favor – Adrianne, Barbie, Gaylene, Tawnicia, Kim Perry Ridge, Dorie Kim, and Cameron voted by email Opposed – None All council members are in favor of the plan.

Plan and funding approved by the council.

Other :                                                                                                                                                        

Adrianne informed us that there is a Neighborhood Meeting on Wednesday, March 5th, at 6:00pm in the Community Room at City Hall to discuss traffic safety in our area.  Currently, we have flashing lights on the speed limit signs going eastbound but not westbound.  We have not seen the “Your Speed” sign yet, which Vern Kessler said he would install.

**Link to Neighborhood Meeting Notes: noted   Next Month’s Meeting:  May 6th at 7:00am via Zoom 2025-2026 Council Planning – Chair, Vice-Chair, Filling Council Seats, Meeting Schedule, etc.


Hello Westridge Parents!  Thank you for attending our Wildcats Celebrate the Arts Night last week.  We had a great turn out and appreciate all of your support!  Just a reminder that there...

Hello Westridge Parents!  Our Wildcats Celebrate the Arts Night is this Thursday, March 20th, from 6:00 to 7:00pm (see flyer below).  You can view our student art through a Gallery Stroll...

There is still time to register your 5th-grade student for a fun-filled week at Camp Big Springs!  Registration for 5th grade Camp Big Springs has been extend and will now close on Friday, March 14,...
